You’re part of a group dedicated to restoring liberty through education—that’s why you received your 2021 Imprimis Subscriber Card.

Given all that has happened in the last year, it is vitally important to maintain and expand our work to restore and defend liberty.

We cannot fail in our goal to reach and teach millions more Americans, especially our youth, when so much is at stake.

Only through education will American citizens understand and appreciate liberty and free enterprise, rejecting the far-Left’s efforts to promote a false and dishonest view of our nation’s great history and exploit the uncertainty facing us today.

That’s why your subscription to Imprimis, and your support for Hillsdale College, is so important. And it’s why we sent you a special, personalized 2021 Subscriber card.

Your subscription to Imprimis is free—for life!

There will never be a subscription fee for the ten issues of Imprimis you receive per year. It’s free and always will be. But printing and mailing millions of copies of Imprimis ten times per year comes at an enormous cost—one that Hillsdale must undertake to defend freedom. The times demand it.

Imprimis is just one way that Hillsdale, through its Project to Defend Liberty Nationwide by Reaching and Teaching Millions, seeks to save liberty in America

But we need your continued support, especially in this critical time for America...

You can help teach 100 million Americans about liberty.

Your generous tax-deductible gifts in support of our Project to Defend Liberty Nationwide by Reaching and Teaching Millions helps teach 100 million of your fellow citizens about the principles of liberty by:

  • Expanding Hillsdale’s online courses—increasing the number of Americans enrolled in one of 30 free online courses, including “Constitution 101” and “The Great American Story: A Land of Hope,” to over 3,000,000.

    With more than 3,000,000 people taking multiple Hillsdale online courses, more and more American citizens will understand and appreciate our nation’s heritage of liberty, equipping them to defend it.
  • Distributing hundreds of thousands of copies of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution booklets to reach one million Americans—including educators and schoolchildren!  This convenient booklet contains the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and all 27 Amendments to the Constitution. Everyone who receives and reads the booklet gains a better understanding of the principles of liberty underlying American liberty.

    We send this useful booklet for free and ask just one thing: that they READ it and learn what these documents say. That’s how we can encourage as many people as possible to read, discuss, and understand America’s underlying principles of liberty.
  • Educating Our Nation’s Teachers at the Center for Teacher Excellence, which hosts seminars for teachers of American history, government, and economics from across the country. More than 4,100 teachers have attended these seminars, impacting hundreds of thousands of students.   

    We hope to expand this program to reach more educators who will teach more students about the Constitution. 
  • Teaching our youth about liberty through social media by doubling the number of people we reach and directly engaging with millions of citizens. This effort connects with young Americans through articles, videos, and stories that teach the principles of liberty, moral character, and our American heritage. And, we also invite viewers to “go deeper” and take a free online course.

    Increasing Hillsdale’s educational outreach on social media—despite obstacles from “Big Tech”—is a major focus this year when more people are searching for this type of information.
  • Supporting classical K-12 charter schools nationwide that teach thousands of young students a traditional classical curriculum with a strong American civics component. These schools emphasize virtue and character, two topics that are increasingly absent from many American schools.

    Just imagine the impact on America if we can establish and support even more schools in communities nationwide!
  • Increasing the number of Imprimis subscribers in 2021 by hundreds of thousands, to get us well beyond 6 million readers. Adding to the readership of Imprimis will have a significant impact and could help change the entire culture.  

As an Imprimis subscriber, your support is vital… since Hillsdale takes no taxpayer funds—NOT ONE PENNY!

Your support of these efforts is crucial to our nation’s future. Hillsdale is the only college in America than can reach millions of Americans of all ages and teach them the principles of liberty underlying the Constitution—and do so independently.

Because of your support, Hillsdale can refuse all federal or state taxpayer money, even indirectly in the form of student grants or loans—remaining free from bureaucratic meddling and control. This makes your gift is even more vital and important.

Please use the secure form below to make your best tax-deductible gift today to restore freedom and free-enterprise in America through our Project to Defend Liberty Nationwide by Reaching and Teaching Millions.  

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      Hillsdale College
      (517) 607-2727
      33 E. College St.
      Hillsdale, Michigan 49242

      Hillsdale is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are tax-deductible.

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