Become a member of Hillsdale College's Liberty & Learning Society and get early access to new online courses for life.

Thank you for helping reach and teach millions of Americans through Hillsdale’s educational outreach efforts, including free online courses. 

Since 2012, more than 2.4 million Americans have enrolled in one or more of the 30 free online courses offered by Hillsdale College.

Producing and promoting new free online courses is a substantial financial commitment for Hillsdale.

That’s why The College increasingly depends on the steady, faithful support of our exclusive monthly giving group, the Liberty & Learning Societyto support these educational outreach efforts. 

As someone who understands the importance of education to self-government, you’re a perfect fit for the Liberty & Learning Society.

Liberty & Learning Society members commit to a recurring monthly gift that automatically advances the important work of reaching and teaching millions on behalf of liberty.

This regular month support defends liberty 365 days a year and helps Hillsdale’s mission long-term—month in, month out, year after year. Your membership will also allow Hillsdale to devote even more of each dollar donated to the important work of restoring liberty through education.

Members of the Liberty & Learning Society are vital.

Your monthly support as a member of the Liberty & Learning Society will impact an ever-widening range of effective educational outreach, including:

  • Instructing millions of Americans through free online courses, especially younger Americans, on topics like the Constitution, American history, and other subjects
  • Teaching smart, ambitious undergraduate and graduate students—preparing them for leadership positions in all walks of American life.
  • Reaching millions of Americans through Imprimis, Hillsdale’s flagship digest of liberty, which mails to millions of households and businesses ten times per year.
  • Restoring excellence to American K-12 education, including civics instruction for thousands of students in more than 50 public and private schools across the country who utilize our American classical education curricula, including the Hillsdale 1776 Curriculum.

Hillsdale does this vital work without accepting ONE PENNY of government funding—even indirectly in the form of federal or state student loans and grants. This independence makes Hillsdale virtually unique in American higher education.

And your membership in the Liberty & Learning Society is vital to Hillsdale’s ability to maintain our genuine and principled independence.

Your exclusive benefits as a Liberty & Learning Society member.

As a Liberty & Learning Society member, there are no checks for you to write or donation forms to fill out. Your tax-deductible gift is conveniently charged to your account on the same day each month, making giving to this vital cause easy to budget.

And, your automatic monthly gift increases the impact of your support by minimizing the number of fundraising appeals you receive from us—no more cluttering up your mailbox, meaning less waste and more of your gift going to support the work of reaching and teaching millions.

As a member, you will receive:

  • Exclusive early access to new online courses...for the life of your membership;
  • A handsome personalized membership card;
  • Regular updates on how your support makes a difference for liberty; and 
  • Weekly “Hillsdale Dialogues” with Larry P. Arnn and the “Radio Free Hillsdale Hour”

Will you become a member of Hillsdale’s Liberty & Learning Society today? You will receive early access to every new online course and really help the work of reaching and teaching millions! 

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Beginning next month, the same amount will be processed on the date selected until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

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      Hillsdale College
      [email protected]
      (517) 607-2727
      33 E. College St.
      Hillsdale, Michigan 49242

      If you have questions or need assistance donating, please contact our donor services team [email protected] or (517) 607-2727.

      Hillsdale is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are tax-deductible.

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