Support Charger Shotgun—Join the 2023-24 100 Straight Club
To support the legacy of Charger Shotgun for years to come, we founded the 100 Straight Club—an annual giving club to recognize the alumni, parents, and fans who support Charger Shotgun so generously.
As a Hillsdale College team, Charger Shotgun receives no federal or state subsidies for its operations, training, travel, or facilities, making the private contributions of 100 Straight Club members all the more important.
While gifts of any amount to Charger Shotgun are encouraged and appreciated, 100 Straight Club members choose from five giving levels, which offer a number of benefits:
Captain - $250
- Team sticker
- Team newsletter
MVP - $500
- Team sticker
- Team newsletter
- Charger T-shirt
All-Conference - $1,000
- Team sticker
- Team newsletter
- Charger crewneck sweatshirt
President’s Club, Traditional Level - $1,500*
- Team sticker
- Team newsletter
- Charger crewneck sweatshirt
- Two tickets to the annual Hall of Fame banquet
- Invitations to special Hillsdale Athletic events
*If given annually, through a pledge of $15,000 over 10 years, membership in The Hillsdale College President’s Club at the Traditional Level.
President’s Club, Bronze Level - $2,500*
- Team sticker
- Team newsletter
- Charger crewneck sweatshirt
- Four tickets to the annual Hall of Fame banquet
- Invitations to special Hillsdale Athletic events
*If given annually, through a pledge of $25,000 over 10 years, membership in The Hillsdale College President’s Club at the Bronze Level.
*Make your first gift today, and we’ll contact you about establishing a pledge.
Please show your commitment to Charger Shotgun by joining the 100 Straight Club today.