You can defend liberty through education
At Hillsdale College, we offer “Constitution 101” and all of our in-depth online courses for free—and we want to ensure that they will always be. Here are three important reasons why:
- In too many of our schools and in popular culture, American history has been recast as a tale of oppression in an attempt to sever our attachment to the founding and further transform American government from a constitutional republic into a vast bureaucratic state.
- Education on the meaning of our founding documents is the best way to restore freedom in America and preserve that freedom for future generations.
- Understanding America’s founding principles is vital in a constitutional republic where every American exercises authority under the Constitution, either passively or actively.
Hillsdale is uniquely equipped to educate citizens nationwide on America’s founding documents. In fact, we have already taught millions of people about the Constitution through educational outreach such as “Constitution 101,” Imprimis, and more.
What’s more, Hillsdale refuses all government funding (even indirectly through student grants and loans) to remain truly independent. We don’t accept even ONE PENNY of taxpayer dollars, because doing so would compromise our educational mission.
So the College counts on the faithful support of people like you to help with the costs of developing, producing, and distributing these courses. That way, more and more Americans can understand what made America the freest and most prosperous nation in human history.
Will you make a generous tax-deductible donation today to help produce and promote more free online courses and fund all of the College’s other educational outreach?
Not only will your gift help us cover our costs, but it will also help teach hundreds of thousands more people just like you about the meaning and purpose of the Declaration and Constitution.
Special offer: For a gift of $100 or more, you will receive a copy of Hillsdale’s online course companion textbook, The U.S. Constitution: A Reader.
Yes! I want to help Hillsdale produce more free online courses and educate more citizens about America’s founding principles of liberty—all without one penny of government funding.