Support educational efforts to counter radical transgender ideology and other ideas destructive to liberty.
Thank you for helping us distribute “Inside the Transgender Empire” to additional millions of Americans.
The forces of the far-Left have never pushed as aggressively as they are today to destroy the American family and remake our society.
A prime example is the ongoing effort to promote trans-identity in American schools, hospitals, and doctor’s offices—and to indoctrinate American children that boys can be girls and girls boys.
Educating Americans about this threat and the urgent need to push back against it by distributing this issue of Imprimis more widely will require substantial printing and mailing costs. Your gift today will help pay for these costs and for Hillsdale’s many other educational efforts on behalf of liberty.

So please send a tax-deductible gift today to help Hillsdale engage the far-Left on the battleground of education, which includes opposing radical transgender ideology and defending America’s principles of liberty.
For your gift of $10 or more today, we will send you TEN free print copies of “Inside the Transgender Empire” by Hillsdale Distinguished Fellow Christopher Rufo to distribute in your community.
Since its founding in 1844, Hillsdale College has remained true to its original mission: providing the education needed to preserve “the inestimable blessings of civil and religious liberty.”
Hillsdale offers the best liberal arts education in the land to its nearly 1,600 undergraduate and graduate students. But it also radiates its educational mission nationwide through its extensive outreach efforts on behalf of liberty.
Your generous gift today—of any amount—will help…
- Expand the circulation of Imprimis, Hillsdale’s digest of liberty, to hundreds of thousands more Americans.
- Increase the number of citizens (especially younger Americans) enrolling in Hillsdale’s free online courses such as “Constitution 101” “The Great American Story: A Land of Hope,” and “Ancient Christianity."
- Send millions of pocket-size copies of America’s founding documents to K-12 teachers and students nationwide.
- Establish additional Hillsdale-affiliated classical K-12 schools nationwide and provide, free of charge, Hillsdale’s American classical K-12 curriculum (including The 1776 Civics Curriculum) to thousands of American educators and homeschoolers. 
Hillsdale College does all its work while refusing to accept one penny of government support—not even indirectly in the form of federal or state student grants or loans.
This independence allows Hillsdale to remain true to its mission, free from the regulatory strings attached to the money that other colleges and universities accept.
But it also means that Hillsdale’s work depends entirely on the generous support of citizens like you, who understand the importance of education to liberty.
Remember, for a gift of $10, we will send you ten free print copies of “Inside the Transgender Empire” to give to your family and friends and to distribute in your community. This special offer is part of our effort to arm even more Americans with the facts on radical transgender ideology.
Please partner with Hillsdale to promote informed patriotism and defend liberty. Make your best tax-deductible gift using the secure form below: